Archive for February 26th, 2008

Feb 26 2008

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Dose 02/26/2008

Filed under Daily Notes

Morning all! Hope you’re all well and enjoying good weather!

Mourning Doves Thought I would share these doves with you all this morning. They are pretty regular visitors. Every once in awhile they perch on the bird feeder, but are mostly content to root around under it for what the other birds throw down. I noticed my thistle feeder is empty, so will need to fill it once the sun is up. Can’t let those finches go hungry! I discovered that what I’ve been calling a purple finch is actually a house finch. They are similarly marked, but the house finch has more brown on the stomach and is displacing the purple finch in many areas of the US.

I know you all wanted that mini-lecture this morning 😛

I have a lady coming out Saturday to look at a dog. I have a lot of reservations about this one — not because I think she would be a bad home, but because she has a 15 year old dog and I don’t think getting a 2-3 year old active, playful dog is fair to the old one. We’ll see. It’s all going to depend on her dog.

Well, I suppose I should go boot up and get to work!

Love to all,


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