Archive for February 5th, 2008

Feb 05 2008

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Notes 02/04/2008

Filed under Daily Notes

Am all out of whack posting at night instead of in the morning. Don’t know what my problem is.

Took a quick video of a mockingbird messing with Ken’s truck that I thought I would share with you.

 It was crazy at work today — got in to find all my backup jobs had failed as the server they get saved to had crashed. Spent the morning moving them to another server and making sure I got good backups there before I could breathe a sigh of relief.  Then I had sites to set up and a revenue report to produce for subcontracting and between those two things, the rest of my day was shot. I’m planning to work from home tomorrow as I have a SQL meeting tomorrow night. The topic of the meeting sounds like it will be over my head, but some of the others have too and I’ve managed to glean some information out of them despite feeling lost for the most part.

Worked on taxes Sunday. Downloaded Tax Act software and have to say I’m not impressed with it’s ease of use despite the review of it that said it was the better of the big 3.  I hope to finish those up this week.

Well, guess that’s about all from our house.

Love to all,


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