Archive for February 12th, 2008

Feb 12 2008

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Notes 02/12/2008

Filed under Daily Notes

Good morning! You find me working from home this morning. I wanted to get an early start on my day, but found I left my VPN username and password at work, so I’m now waiting for Carlos to call me back with it. I’ve only used it twice, so can’t remember it. I’ve written it down now somewhere on the computer so I won’t forget it again.

Went by the Expo center last night to meet with the Expo people about where to have the clinics at. They’re putting us upstairs this year which would be OK except they took out the ramp, so now people will have to climb stairs with dogs/crates or whatever. I think I’ll probably be getting some complaints about that, but what can you do? They’ve completely redone the entire building and taken out a lot of the nooks and crannies we could have doctors stashed in. The eye doc needs a dark place and the heart doc needs a quiet place, so we have some specific needs that have to be addressed.  Always something!

Well, Carlos has called me back and I’m ready to do business now. I see Corey has sent a list of sites to set up and he wants calls opened for all of them, so that will take me some time to complete. I have a report to write and need to take the dogs out sometime soon.

Gotta run.

Love to all,


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