Archive for September 17th, 2007

Sep 17 2007

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Notes 09/17/2007

Filed under Uncategorized

Good morning! I hope you had a great weekend!

The weather turned off cooler and felt wonderful by Sunday! Although it was a bit overcast early, it soon turned into a glorious day.

We took Bella to her new home yesterday. I think it will be a good match and that Bella will be well cared for and loved. I have to admit, though, that I’m happy to see her go. She was a difficult dog.

Eddie had me worried all weekend. Yvonne called Friday (actually, she called Thursday, but I didn’t get the message as I had my cell phone turned off), to tell me that he was hospialized with what they initially thought was a TIA (transient Ischemic attack), but which turned out to be something rather different.

He had all the classic symptoms of TIA — disorientation, inability to move a limb and affected speech, but none of the apparent causes — no high blood pressure, no blood clots anywhere — very puzzling! They did MRI’s and CAT scans which didn’t show anything they were looking for, but something they didn’t expect.

His brain is too large for his skull.

He’s been working nights and drinking  a LOT of coffee. Those two things combined to make his brain swell and put pressure on his spnal column which in turn created all those lovely stroke-like symptoms.  We’ll know later what the complete range of treatment options are, but for now it’s cut out the caffeine and get more rest.

I leave Wednesday for Atlanta and 4 days of shows. I’m looking forward to the vacation! Ken’s taking the camper down and setting it up for me and I’ll take the dogs down later Wednesday. We show around 10 a.m. Thursday morning and I’m only taking 2 dogs with me. Ken’s staying at home to hold down the fort, so it will be a true break from everything. I’ll have no computer and only my cellphone to keep in touch. I need to find some books to take with me to read.

That means no blog most of the week. Maybe I can talk Ken into blogging for me while I’m gone…

We will see.

Have a wonderful day!

Love to all,


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