Archive for September 11th, 2007

Sep 11 2007

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Notes 09-11-2007

Filed under Uncategorized

Good morning everyone. As we begin today remembering those lost in the attacks 6 years ago, I count my blessings. I am blessed with a loving family, a devoted husband, good health, good friends and all the material things I need (roof over my  head, food on my table, a bed to sleep in). I thank the good Lord for all of these blessings and many more.

One of my nightly rituals before going to bed is to tell everyone good night and kiss most of them in the process. I don’t know why, but I was noticing smells a lot as I gave out good night kisses and, besides the one or two who definitely need a bath (mental note to issue baths to those individuals), the last of my kisses went to Sebastian. Sebastian is a dog of unknown years, but who is exhibiting signs of age now. he’s definitely grayer, definitely slowed down and is thinner. He’s a quiet guy who is very unassuming but his smell is exquisite. He smells of sunshine. Literally. I had to give him two kisses just so I could get another whiff of that smell. I slept well last night with that smell in my mind. I dreamed of sunny meadows and bright butterflies flitting from colorful blossom to colorful blossom and birds singing in the trees. I awoke rested and refreshed this morning. I guess that’s my version of aromatherapy…

I hope you all have a wonderful day today!

Love to all,


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