Archive for September 12th, 2007

Sep 12 2007

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Daily Notes 09-12-2007

Filed under Uncategorized

Well, we made it through another anniversary of 9/11 without any major mishaps. I’m glad for our country.

We did get some rain last night. We need about 3 solid days of rain, but I don’t think we’ll get that. I’m glad, though, that we’re getting what we are as it’s far better than the nothing we had. I’m also very glad that we haven’t had to deal with any of the fires that have plagued other parts of the country. Since I have an outdoor thing on Saturday, I’m equally glad that temperatures are about 10 degrees lower than they have been and are supposed to stay that way through the weekend.

I heard from a friend of mine that the Whippet E-Zine had done an interview with the breeder of one of my dogs. This interview is packed with photographs of her mother, father and grand parents along with other dogs peripheral to her pedigree. That alone was worth seeing, but this guy has some interesting thoughts on where our breed came from and where it’s going.  If you’re interested, the interview of Daniel Lockhart of Saxon Shore Whippets is HERE. This would be the owner/breeder of Reba’s parents and Butterfly’s grandparents.

Pam sent me a joke last night about a woman who got stopped by a traffic cop for speeding, who, when asked why she was speeding told the cop she was late for work. He asked her what her profession was and she answered that she was an asshole stretcher. Incredulous, the cop asked just what exactly that was. Her reply was that she stretched assholes from less than an inch up to 6′ in diameter. He asked her what they did with them that large and her reply was “give them a radar gun, and put them under a bridge to catch speeders”. The last bit was the mastercard commercials’, Ticket $95, look on the cops face, priceless tag line. Although I’ve heard (or rather read) the joke before, it still gave me a chuckle. What made it even more funny to me is that Ken goes in for his asshole stretching tomorrow.

And, with that thought, I’ll leave you for the day. Hopefully with a smile on your face…

Love to all,



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