Oct 16 2006

Profile Image of Margaret

What color is the sky

Posted at 1:04 pm under Uncategorized

The sky today was clearly blue
but just what shade could you
call this impossible to describe
blue, so blue — cerulean blue?

Some days the sky is not so blue
today the sky is gray 
And clouds of soot and black
and dirty white across the sky are spilled

The evening sky is indigo
It soothes your mood and lets you go
Off to sleep to dream of days
When the sky is blue so blue

The morning sky is a blue so pale
Filled with light and hope and glows
Like love colored and tells the tale
in shades of glorious blue 

I love the sky when it is blue
A painter’s canvas primed and waiting
For trees and birds and airplanes
Their pictures ‘cross it painting.

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