Oct 16 2006

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Notes 10-16-2006

Posted at 9:25 am under Uncategorized

It’s Monday again. What beautiful weather we had over the weekend! Gloriously sunny days that were not too hot, not too cold. I mowed the lawn Saturday and it was sheer poetry to be out in the fresh air, with the sky so blue it hurt your eyes and the trees painting messages across it with thier leaves of crimson, gold and umber as they swayed in the breeze. Saw a hawk stooping on some prey and it was so beautiful to see it flying against that cloudless sky. I spent quite some time trying to decide just what shade of blue it was — kept thinking cerulean, but don’t think that’s quite the right one.

In doing a google search on the word cerulean, I came up with this site which shows a graphical representation of the color, but it doesn’t (to my eye) match the word description of it as I don’t see that much green in the painted swatch. It’s an interesting site, though, as it talks about colors and their origins and history.

Ken got home from the race Sunday around 2:15pm. He was sunburned, tired and still a bit pumped from the great time he had. He gained 5 lbs from all the eating they did. He said there were around 15 people at his rib dinner on Saturday night — some of the Germans from the plant came up for the race and were invited to dinner. Ken had some neighbors at the camp site from New York who followed the races all over the country in their motor homes. He said they cooked the entire weekend and kept asking Ken and his friends over to join them. He said all they did all weekend was eat 🙂

On a sad note, we lost Nyssa yesterday. You’ll remember that I took her to the vet last week and he prescribed some pain relivers for what we thought was a muscle strain. Turns out she was in renal failure and we had no choice but to let her go yesterday afternoon. She would have been 12 today. I wrote a poem for her which you can read HERE.

Well, need to get to work. Hope your day is a wonderful one.

Love to all,


4 responses so far

4 Responses to “Daily Notes 10-16-2006”

  1. Sis #2on 16 Oct 2006 at 9:49 am 1

    I’m so sorry to hear about your Nyssa. It is so hard to let a member of the family go. I thought I was going to loose Gypsy last week and I don’t know what I would do without her. She is my life.
    She had pancreatitis (sp) and was so sick! She seems to be back to probably 80% today and is perking up more and more every day. The trick now is going to be convincing her that she can’t have bland chicken/rice every day and gradually get her back on regular food.

    Glad Ken made it back from the race in one piece and got all that red-neckiness out of his system for a while!

    The weather was glorious here over the weekend, too. It is supposed to rain for the next two days and I really hope it does. We are almost 9 inches down for the year and dry, dry, dry. I start worrying about the middle of Oct. that the little (actually, not so little) hoodlums will set the woods on fire on Halloween while they are out burning tires and generslly raising cain.

    Nothing else fit to print from here. Take care.

  2. Momon 16 Oct 2006 at 10:41 am 2

    I am sorry you lost another of your babies cause that is the way you treat them.
    Judy and R.B. always called your blue sky a “bluebird day” We had one like that last Thursday.
    My weekend is finally over. Friday night the music from the festival almost blew my mind awau but Sat. and Sun. they weren’t quite so loud. Thank goodness. I don’t know if it was the different entertainers or if some one made then turn the loudspeakers down. I even got to watch Lawrence Welk Sat night without blasting my neighbors out. I do love that program. It is on our PBS station every Sat. night. Of course it is alll recorded but never gets old.
    Take care
    Love Mom

  3. eyespi20on 16 Oct 2006 at 1:14 pm 3

    Thanks Judy — yes, it’s always hard to lose one and Nyssa was very special.

    I hope you get your rain since you need it so badly. We have actually done pretty good on rain all year. We did have a bit of a dry spell in the middle of summer, so they didn’t get as many cuttings of hay as they did the year before, but it looks like they’ll get in at least one more before the grass stops growing.

    Take care of that little girl of yours. She needs to be on a special diet as once they break with pancreatitis, they’ll be more prone to have another attack. I believe Science Diet makes a special formula for them.

    I like that term, Mom — a bluebird day — it was definitely that! Although it’s too late in the year for bluebirds.

    Glad they toned down the music so you didn’t have to deafen your neighbors with Lawrence Welk. Music never gets old. I listen to a lot of music that was created and recorded before I was born. I love swing and jazz and the blues. Guess that’s one of the reasons I most like NPR radio — they play a lot of all of the above plus classical and music from around the world.

    Thank you both for reading today.



  4. Eddieon 18 Oct 2006 at 1:36 am 4

    I’m so sorry to hear about Nyssa. She was very special and a great friend to Chrystalyn. I think God sent you that beautiful weekend to soothe your sorrow…

