Feb 04 2009

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Dose 02/04/2009

Posted at 10:36 am under Daily Notes

mockingbird-frostyWorked from home yesterday and although it was cold (brrrrr), it was sunny and I got lots of bird visitors to my feeders. I especially like this photo as it shows the poor cold bird with the frost on the leaves of the honeysuckle vine that is threatenting to take over my burning bush. I’m pretty sure this is an Eastern Mockingbird, but he’s so fluffed out that it’s hard to tell — he kind of looks like a titmouse too.

As always, my dogs provided some entertainment as well. Ever since Butterfly did her disappearing act last fall, I’ am in the habit of counting noses almost every time I enter a room where they all congregate. Yesterday morning I got to missing Tiffany and went in search of her.

Here’s where I found her…tiffany-hiding-place

As you can see, she’s climbed up on the lower shelf of the unit I keep the clean dog bedding on and has made herself quite comfy. I just had to laugh at her! One thing the Whippets and Cresteds share is their overwhelming desire to be comfortable and warm!

I have some other photos that I thought turned out pretty well that I will upload to Webshots tonight.

I’m seeing birds that we don’t see during the summer and it’s such a pleasure to figure out who they are. I have a white throated sparrow and a song sparrow that summer up in Canada. I also have one of a male cardinal on the feeder and to his left you can see a wing where another bird was trying to land next to him. That shot turned out pretty cool looking IMO.

Well, I guess I should get back to work. I’m trying to develop some kind of security plan as we currently have none.

Ya’ll stay warm and dry!

Love to all,


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