Feb 02 2009

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Dose 02/02/2009

Posted at 2:30 pm under Daily Notes

Happy Groundhog’s day! We are official — going to have 6 more weeks of winter (don’t tell Bill, but I think we were going to anyway).

Hope you had a great weekend. Ken and I just puttered around the house doing this and that.

Rearranged the kitchen and WOW! What a difference moving things around can make!

I did the usual laundry, dishes and cooking. Ken did take me out to dinner Saturday night — we went to Outback which is one of our favorites. Got his new computer up and running finally. So far so good — he’s reasonably pleased with it.

Came home Friday to a humongous mess in the house — Nikki had destroyed a pillow I was using in one of the dog crates as a bed. It was stuffed with this polyester fill that was very much like feathers and floated around EVERYWHERE! I’m still vaccuming up that stuff and it took 2 hours to get the bulk of it as it was! She’s a bad, bad dog! Then caught her running through the yard with one of Ken’s shoes which she took back to him like she was some kind of sweet thing. Then Sunday as I tried to clean the floor, she kept stealing my brush — what a mischief maker!

Wrote a poem yesterday on friendship. I think Ma wanted something for a friend of hers and hope this is close. If not, Ma, you’ll have to give me a better idea of what you’re looking for.

I keep getting comments left on this blog by someone writing in Russian. Every time I run the comments through a translator, they come back as meaningless stuff, but I keep consigning them all to spam as I dont’ trust the URL’s to be as innocuous. I would like for them to stop trying, though. I see I have one sitting and waiting for my approval now. Bet it’s another cryllic comment.

Well, I have finally gotten my SSIS jobs to run properly and be called by SQL Server Agent (I know — it’s greek to you) and boy am I glad! I think that makes me officially ready for this new customer who was supposed to start in December.

Well, guess I should go and give the good news to my boss.

Take care!

Love to all,


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