Dec 29 2006

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Notes 12-29-2006

Posted at 12:15 pm under Uncategorized

Well, the last night of the year is nearly upon us. 2006 went by in a blur. It was a year of mixed blessings, but our biggest blessing of all was that our family is safe and healthy.

Two of the cockatiel babies went to new homes today. Skippy (so named by his new mother) and Junior (the baby from the first clutch) have gone to co-workers to be spoiled. Charlotte wants the remaining one if it’s a female and we’ll have to wait awhile to determine that. Meanwhile, Mom and Dad are sitting on 7 new eggs. I hope I shook them all enough that they don’t hatch as I think they need a break from chick raising.

I have not had time to take any pictures with the new camera. Well, that’s not exactly true as I have taken some pictures with it, but they are more on the order of finding out what settings to use for what circumstance and seeing how they transfer off the camera itself. None are anything I really deem publishable.

I guess Judy is taking Mom home today via Frances’ house. I hope their weather is conducive to driving and that their trip is uneventful. I’ll call Mom after work today to see how things went, although when I talked to her Monday, it sounded like she was having a great time.

I can leave work at noon today if I wish and I probably will as I have things to do at the house (clean bird cages, wash clothes, clean house — you know all that fun stuff!). Ken’s off Sunday and Monday, so we will probably have a repeat of last weekends’ movie going and shopping (not that we bought anything, just went and looked).

Guess I should get back to work and give the company some of its time 🙂

Love to all,



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