Dec 28 2006

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Notes 12-28-2006

Posted at 11:11 am under Uncategorized

Ken and I got home from work within a minute of each other last night. Man! That was sweet! We actually ate dinner and had an hour or so before it was time for bed to sit and talk. I could get used to that kind of schedule for him, but alas, next week he goes back to the dawn to dusk routine. Hopefully that will only last until the end of January as he tells me they will go to a different shift model then.

I’m going through a bunch of old files at work trying to get some of them closed out and invoiced. It’s crazy how we bill our customers. Something that should be very straightforward is horribly complicated and we end up losing way too much money in revenues because of it.

We are hoping that if we go to this Eservice nationwide that we’ll get things done more timely. I hope so. This is crazy!

Well, back to the grindstone.

Love to all,


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