Archive for June 24th, 2009

Jun 24 2009

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Dose 06/24/2009

Filed under Daily Notes

Hello everyone! I sure hope you are staying cool and dry. We on the other hand are melting in the heat! UGH!

Ken’s been home all week on vacation. He’s been a good househusband running all kinds of errands for me and doing general chores around the house. He took Sabrina and Star to the vet earlier — Sabrina for her spay surgery and Star for her puppy shots, then picked Sabrina up the next day. He’s taking Butterfly this afternoon for her shots.

Eddie and Chrystalyn arrive today sometime. They’ll spend tomorrow with us then head out Friday morning for Orlando. Eddie will spend a day or so there, then go to Louisiana for a few days, then back home alone until August when Randy and Yvonne come back (hopefully). They are already in Louisiana helping out her mother while her dad is in the hospital.

I’m looking forward to seeing Eddie and Chrystalyn. It seems like it’s been so long since I last saw them! Ken and I are going to have to make the trip to Maryland sometime to visit.

Well, I need to get back to work. Trying to get my head around a max() function this morning — it’s not going too well and I need another cup of coffee to deal with it.

Love to all,


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