Archive for June 1st, 2009

Jun 01 2009

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Daily Dose 06/01/2009

Filed under Daily Notes

Ahh June 1st! Hurricane season officially starts! With the up and down temps so far, I can imagine that we’re in for a stormy one.

Ken and I are both still coughing and sneezing but at least we FEEL better. Hopefully the rest of this plague is on the way out as well. I’m more than ready to be over this. I don’t do sick. At least not very well.

Have a dog show next Sunday in Asheville. We don’t care much for the Saturday judge, so elected to save our $$ and give her a pass. We also have one the following Sunday in Waynesville. I’ll go on Saturday because there is a Chihuahua Club meeting and since I’m President this year, I guess I should be there.

Have you checked out my photo blog? I have a picture of a Broad-wing hawk up. Neat looking bird even if I do say so myself.

And there will be a guest post Wednesday on the book review blog from an internet friend of mine. I am going to have to get that series of books he talks about. They sound really cute and right up my alley.

Of course I want to get more Demille books to read. I have grown rather fond of John Carey and his wife, Kate.

On a sad note, we had a bad storm here last Thursday and Tiger got out of the fence and was hit by a car and killed. He would have been 12 in September. What a sad ending for that sweet guy. I feel terrible as I knew how terrified of storms he was, but I never dreamed he would leave the safety of his bed.

Well, that’s all our news.

Love to all,

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