Archive for September 24th, 2008

Sep 24 2008

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Dose 09/24/2008

Filed under Daily Notes

Hi everyone! I sure hope you’re all enjoying this glorious weather! I love the cooler temperatures and the clear skies. We still need rain, though.

Ken and I talked about our show strategy last night. We have 3 puppies that will soon be old enough to show, but still have 3 adults needing to be finished. My counsel to him was to let the puppies grow up and mature as we concentrated our show budget on finishing these 3.

Now, I do hope that one of them finishes this weekend, but we all know how fickle showing is, so I wouldn’t be totally surprised if that doesn’t happen. I haven’t been able to find out who but one of the other females entered is, so don’t know what my competition consists of. Not that knowing would tell me much anyway.

If Butterfly finishes, then we can concentrate on Tigger and Payne who are both in the same boat of needing a few singles and one more major. Tigger has a good chance of singling out over the next two weeks in which case we’ll be hunting majors for him. The work I’ve been doing with him really seemed to have paid off with his excellent showing last weekend.

Payne is a different story as she has her variety to contend with. Some Crested judges just don’t put up powder puffs unless they are super excellent. Payne is good, but I’m not fooling myself into thinking I do such a great job of grooming that she can fall into that “super excellent” category. I have every confidence that she’ll finish, but it will no doubt take longer than finishing Tigger will.

I’ve also made the choice of a stud to breed Butterfly to. She’ll be put with Tigger’s brother, Kurt. Why not just use Tigger? Well despite the fact that the pedigrees are the same, Kurt exhibits more traits that Butterfly needs to correct small faults of hers. Tigger doesn’t have these outward traits, so I’m using a dog with a phenotype that’s desirable as well as a pedigree that meshes very well with Butterfly’s.

Well, enough dog talk.

Ma needed the address of my photo blog  so here it is — Travelin’ Show is the blog where I post the photos I take. I try to put some of them up on webshots, too, but it’s so much easier to post them here.

I reckon it’s time for me to get back to work. Ya’ll take care!

Writing Spider

Love to all,


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