Archive for September 15th, 2008

Sep 15 2008

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Dose 09/15/2008

Filed under Daily Notes

Gosh! It’s hard to believe that September is halfway over. This year is flying by! Usually I have at least some Christmas shopping done by now, but not this year. I’m afraid it’s going to be a rush at the end of the year if I don’t get a move on.

We leave Wednesday for Atlanta. I sure hope the gas prices are on the way down by then. They are ridiculous right now! I’m glad I filled up Friday before it got so out of hand! We HOPE we have the spot we requested for our reservation, but all they sent us was a spot name and no map, so we have no idea where our spot is. The whole reason for assigning spots was so they didn’t have to spend so much time taking people around to an open one, but without a map of the hookup locations, we certainly won’t be able to just drive right to it. Crazy!

We have guests at work today, so we were asked to dress nicely. I wore a skirt and blouse. I think we’re supposed to dress up tomorrow too, but I will work from home, so that will not be an issue for me.

Did you all see Judy’s spider and praying mantis photos? She did a great job taking them! I haven’t seen any praying mantises on our property since we moved there which is a shame since they are such helpful insects. I wonder if I can order praying mantis eggs online or something like that so we could have some. We get way too many June bugs and they would help control that population I’m thinking.

I’ve had a LOT of wasps this year. Both the red ones as well as the black ones. One kind builds the mud nest and the other builds the papery nest. I don’t like either kind to tell you the truth. At least I haven’t seen any yellow jackets which build their nests underground. The mud kind built a nest in the window casement of my office. I’ve noticed quite a bit of activity from them the last few days. I don’t know how to get them out of there — those are double windows and if I open the one, I’ll end up with wasps in the house which would be very bad. ICK! It’s also close to my hummingbird feeder and the wasps are competing with the hummingbirds for the nectar. I notice the birds are very wary of the wasps, so they are probably susceptible to their stings.

Well I suppose I should get back to work. Lunch time is over.

Love to all,


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