Archive for July 24th, 2007

Jul 24 2007

Profile Image of Margaret

Not-so-daily Notes 07-24-2007

Filed under Uncategorized

Happy Tuesday to everyone! I hope you are all well!

It seems that nephew Colin and Sister Judy have both gained acclamation for their photographs! Congratulations to you both!

There’s nothing new here at our house. We did go see the Harry Potter movie Sunday and neither Ken nor I could remember anything in the movie from the book, but we both read the book last year, so it’s possible that we just have old-farts memory loss going on here. I did purchase the newest book on Saturday and am about halfway through it. It’s over 700 pages, so it will take me longer than usual to finish. I’ve been reading some of it out loud to the birds. They seem to enjoy it! They all crowd to the front of their cages or, if thier door is open, get on the arm of my chair.

My project ends next week. I must say that I’m more than ready for it to end. I hope to actually take more than a stolen day here and there off as I’m ready for a vacation.

Well, got to go.

Love to all.


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