Archive for October 9th, 2006

Oct 09 2006

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Notes 10-09-2006

Filed under Uncategorized

I feel like I’ve entered a time-warp. North Korea has tested a nuclear weapon. This is the kind of nightmare we lived in while I was growing up in the 60’s and it’s no picnic having that kind of threat hanging over your head. We’ve gotten past the point of thinking that hiding under our desks will protect us from any kind of nuclear fall-out and most of our underground bunkers have been filled in or are so pathetic as to be no protection from such an event at all.

Kim Jong Il has proven to have an unstable personality and he rules his country with an iron fist. He has no regard for the international community and has already ignored their outcry against his earlier ICBM tests. I greatly fear that the US or others who fear him striking without warning will declare war on North Korea and that it will be a horrible thing for the world as I fear he will shoot his nuclear weapons indiscriminately towards any who anger him. I hope and pray that Mr. Bush employs his most patient and delicate of negotiators in this time of crisis.

I fear for my children and my grandchildren; for your children and your grandchildren. I pray for thier continued safety and good health.

Love to all,



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