Oct 02 2006

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Notes 10-2-2006

Posted at 5:30 am under Uncategorized

Yesterday I attended the funeral of my friend, Janet’s father. I had never met the man, but from Janet’s and Martha’s stories about him and from what was said at his funeral, I missed knowing a truly special man. It was a lovely service for a lovely man.

Ken went on to the show in my stead so I could make it to the funeral. He got reserve with both Oscar and Butterfly, but he elected to not take Payne. He’s not into prep work and she would have required brushing before going into the ring.

Next weekend is a one-day show in Augusta and the two little boys make their debut there. Tomorrow they turn 6 months old.

Today is John’s birthday and he turns 35. Time sure goes by quickly as it seems not that long ago when he was 17 and tearing up all our cars.

Not much to say today.

Hope everyone has a great day.

Love to all,


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