Sep 27 2006

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Notes 09-27-2006

Posted at 7:51 am under Uncategorized

This week has had me thinking a lot about communication.

So much of our daily interaction with fellow beings is done via internet communications or by telephone and it is difficult to impart subtle meanings with the written and facelessly spoken word. Body language and facial expressions add so much meaning to face-to-face conversations. Oh, I know we can use various forms of punctuation such as underline or bolding to emphasize certain words or phrases in the written language and use voice inflections when speaking, but it’s just not the same as hand gestures, smiles or frowns, brow wrinkling — that list can go on and on! I think overall, this lack of personal conversation making us less sensitive to those very things when we do have the opportunity to speak in person. I know I’ve recently caught myself not looking at the person speaking, so miss those gestures or expressions. I’ve gotten so used to looking at the computer screen or concentrating on what I’m hearing that I let my eyes wander when talking face-to-face. And when my eyes wander, sometimes, so does my concentration!

I was taught in my public speaking course (taken way back in the dark ages) that it’s very important to make eye contact and to notice body language when speaking to others. I’m dissapointed in myself for letting that habit get away from me. I used to be someone people enjoyed talking to as I would look at their face and keep my own mouth shut until they were finished their part of our conversation. I still keep my mouth shut or only offer encouraging sounds at most, but I’m not making eye contact like I used to and not watching facial expressions and so I’m missing out on important things. 

It’s sort of like the difference in an orchestra playing with or without a conductor. You can certainly play a musical piece without a conductor, but HAVING that conductor waving his baton, using his body to highlight the highs and lows and imparting his energy into your playing makes the music come to life.

At any rate, my personal goal this week is to work harder at making eye contact when speaking or being spoken to and to notice those things I’ve been missing in conversations.

Got to run — time for work.

Love to all,


2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Daily Notes 09-27-2006”

  1. Eddieon 28 Sep 2006 at 6:59 am 1

    Sorry to hear you’re having a rough week. That guy who yelled at you was out of line. If it was that big of a deal, he or someone in his office should have responded to your e-mail and asked you to wait. Besides, how long did it take? 15, 20 minutes? Take a coffee break, man!

    Things are going alright here. I moved to a different villa, one that’s closer to work. It didn’t make my landlord happy, but there’s no lease and I didn’t want to miss out on the place I’d found. It’s a little smaller (which is not a bad thing), but the housekeeper stops by six days a week and I don’t have to worry about the dishes. It’s also nice to be able to walk to work if I choose. Sleeping in an extra 20 minutes is another bonus. 😀

    BTW – When’s that dog show in Jax? I know Yvonne is planning on going to Andros from 12-16 October for the Navy Birthday Ball (we’re going to compare pictures afterwards). I hope the two events don’t conflict. Randy’s growing up fast – running, throwing the ball, and talking better everyday.

    Say “Hi” to Dad for me.



  2. eyespi20on 28 Sep 2006 at 8:11 am 2

    No, it took longer than 20 minutes — I did stop it and started it back up after everyone had gone home for the day and it took about 10 hours total. I had 110 page report of all the things it fixed when it completed.

    You are really right up there with Ken when 20 extra minutes of sleep give you a thrill 🙂 He does the snooze alarm thing 2 or 3 times which aggravates the fire out of me.

    The show in Jax is in November, so there should be no conflict there. Can’t wait to see pictures of the ball! I want to see Randy before he’s a grown man 😛

    Consider it said and returned to you.

