Sep 21 2009

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Dose 09/21/2009

Posted at 7:54 am under Daily Notes

Tomorrow is the first day of fall. All I can say is goodbye summer! Although I”m not exactly looking forward to winter, I am not unhappy that the heat of summer is behind me. As I age, heat becomes more and more a factor in my personal comfort.

Evidently my air conditioner thermostat wants to work with me in that respect. Lately, the air has been running pretty hard and our bedroom for example is quite cold. Ken thinks the thermostat is on the blink. If it weren’t for the high light bill, I wouldn’t mind quite so much, but it was pretty tough to swallow this month.

Started the puppies on raw food yesterday. They took to it like little ducks to water! It was amazing to see them get all excited and root around in the puppy pan for their portion. We didn’t give them much as Butterfly is still feeding them WELL and they are little chunks! Then when it was time for Mama to eat, they were trying to take the food out of her mouth 😆 — that was truly a sight to see!

Had some deer in the front yard the other night and there was a buck with the female and her two fawns. He had the weirdest horns I’ve ever seen. They looked more like what you would see on an Antelope as there were no branches to them. They were at least 2′ long, too. I’ve certainly seen young bucks with no branches on their horns but not one with horns this long. Unfortunately my photos are blurry although you can see what I’m talking about well enough in them.

We did not much of anything this weekend – it was rainy and just a good weekend to get in some down time. I know I needed it and think Ken did too. The dummy played golf in the rain Friday — at least he limited it to 9 holes, but still…

I got to play Farm Town enough to advance to the next level, so I’m at level 33 on the one farm and 32 on the other farm. I advanced on one of the Farmville farms too. — I know what a waste of time!

Didn’t hear from Eddie this weekend or either of the Norkett boys, so figure most things should be OK with them.

No calls from work this weekend either.




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