Sep 26 2006

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Notes 09-26-2006

Posted at 5:06 am under Daily Notes

Well, I don’t know what happened to the posts from last week. It seems they have just disappeared! That’s different. I know I got a notice to upgrade to a new version, but that should not have lost posts.

Yesterday was an awful day. I sure hope today is better.

Started out yesterday trying to catch up from being out of the office for two days last week. I came in to an e-mail from the people we consult with on Great Plains telling me how to correct an issue we are having with the software, so began running the utility that was suggested. I sent an email out to other departments letting them know that I was running it and that they would not have access to inventory functions until it was complete. When the manager of Logistics came in, he immediately began screaming at me that I was making his 8 people sit idle. (not). At any rate, that was the start of my day.

Got home to an email from the lady who got Ashley telling me that he escaped from her fence and she had hunted for him all day, had had reports of him being spotted some 7 miles from her house. I immediately jumped in the car and headed back to Greenville. Ken, Janet, Kaye, and a friend of hers met at the restauraunt where he was last sighted and began searching the neighborhood behind it. Long story short, I found him about 2 blocks from the restauraunt some 2 hours later. He’s fine and none the worse for wear — not even blown pads, but I am aged by about 10 years. It was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done to put him in her car and send him off again, but Kaye was just as devastated as I was over his “adventure”. I know she will take extra care that he not get away from her again.

Well, I need to get ready for work. Love to all,



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