Sep 10 2009

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Dose 09/10/2009

Posted at 8:49 am under Daily Notes

Ma reminded me yesterday that I haven’t written anything in this blog for some time now.

I’ve no excuses for that. Just seem to have all my free time sucked up by other things right now. Still, I need to keep this updated regularly, so will endeavor to make time for it.

Ken woke up yesterday all stuffed up and by last night was feeling pretty rough. I did convince him to take some over-the-counter remedy which enabled him to sleep last night but he wasn’t feeling much better this morning.

Eddie’s doing well and is making positive moves to leave the Navy by next year. I know lots of other people who would be sitting back and bewailing their fate, but he’s making me very proud by turning the lemons into lemonade and very tasty lemonade at that! Good job, son!

I got a nice little surprise in the mail yesterday — from South University which is the online college I’m taking courses through. I was chosen to be on the Spring 2009 Dean’s list which means I had a 3.5 or better GPA. Not too shabby for an almost senior citizen 😛  As the Brits would say, I’m quite chuffed.

I posted a status to Facebook yesterday that I was sure would bring my sister out of lurk mode, but failed miserably at that. Even the boys didn’t comment on their Mama’s lack of guts when faced by swimming rodents in the middle of the night. Oh well..such is life.

Guess I need to get back to work. Thanks for reading.

Love to all,


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