Jun 09 2009

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Dose 06/09/2009

Posted at 12:40 pm under Daily Notes

Summer Tanager
Image by eyespi20 via Flickr

Sorry about no post yesterday — it was a busy day.

Sunday we drove to Asheville for one day of the dog shows there. The Saturday judge for both Whippets and Cresteds (same woman) was one we don’t especially care for, so we didn’t waste any money. This coming weekend we go to Waynesville. I have a Chihuahua Club meeting on Saturday so will go up for that. I think Chi’s show early so I’ll get the meeting done and head back for home then we’ll show dogs on Sunday. Ken is debating whether he will go with me or not and I’m sure he’s got in the back of his mind running up to Cherokee for a bit while I have my meeting.

Then on the 20th we go to Charleston to see Bebe in her dance recital and then later that  week Eddie and crew come to visit for a day. Ken’s off that entire week and I’ve taken a day of vacation that Thursday to spend with them.

I need to fill up my feeders and put fresh nectar out for the hummingbirds. I watched a wasp take a bug to it’s nest a little while ago. I don’t know why but I didn’t know they did that.

Haven’t seen the Summer Tanager back again. I wish he would come — I’m not a big fan of wasps.

I am thinking of Becky and Colin right now. I know she’s hurting and wish I could make it go away.

I caught my teacher out today. Yesterday I uploaded a paper for one of my assignments and it was the wrong paper — it was one from an earlier assignment that I had already turned in. I need to name them more clearly to prevent that in the future. Anyway, she responed this big long paragraph to me saying I had done an excellent job, etc etc. One of the other students pointed out my mistake and I’ve uploaded the correct paper.

I thought she did that on another student last week, but I didn’t say anything.She’s the teacher after all, right?

That makes my 100% in this class a bit suspect 🙁

I did accomplish a huge something at work yesterday. I won’t bore you with details, just suffice to say I reduced the time a job takes from 4 minutes to 14 SECONDS.  Now if my boss will just recognize that if I don’t know my stuff, I at least know where to find out about it.

Hope you aren’t too hot. I think we were supposed to be in the high 80’s today. It’s sunny, so no rain for now.

I have a meeting to go to tonight — it’s the one that’s usually the first Tuesday of the month moved to tonight to accomodate a speaker. I think it will be a very interesting talk and can’t wait to hear this man.

Got my hair cut Saturday and it  sure feels better! She must have cut 4″ off the length. It’s just at my chin now, so you have an  idea of how long it had gotten.

Well, I guess I’ve rambled on enough. Take care, stay cool and dry.

Love to all,


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