May 25 2009

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Dose 05/25/2009

Posted at 10:52 am under Daily Notes

Happy Memorial Day! I hope you’ve all enjoyed the long weekend.

Ken and I have spent most of it doing stuff around the house. Although the rain has kept us from mowing , there’s a chance that will get done today if the sun stays out long enough to dry off the grass.

We’ve eaten well this weekend. Saturday was the semi annual shrimp fry at the church in Honea Path, so we gorged ourselves on shrimp, cole slaw, french fries and hush puppies. Last night we grilled boneless ribs on the grill with some Sticky Fingers barbecue sauce and corn on the cob. Tonight, we’ll grill steaks and have more corn on the cob. I found an apple pie at the grocery store that looked pretty good — Ken’s been wanting apple pie for awhile now — and this one turned out to be EXCELLENT! Usually store bought pies have a tough crust, but this one is so flaky and light! Just like home made! Coupled with ice cream and we are in hog heaven.

anoleI’m watching a green anole shed its’ skin. It has most of it off, just has some on it’s back legs which it’s reaching back and pulling off and alternately scraping the legs against the wood of the porch rail. There’s a male on the deck showing it’s dewlap, so I guess the one shedding is a female.

The phoebes on the back porch have either fallen out of the nest or fledged as the nest is empty. It sure seemed to take longer for the eggs to hatch than it did for the babies to leave the nest if that’s the case.  I took photos of the babies about 5 days after they hatched and it seemed like they were gone a couple of days after that.

Well, Ken’s off to see if the race is finally being run today — it got canceled last night due to rain.

Love to all,


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