May 11 2009

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Dose 05/11/2009

Posted at 10:19 am under Daily Notes

Hi all — hope you had a wonderful weekend! It wasn’t long enough, but that’s always the case, isn’t it?

Yesterday, Ken and I slept in until 10:30 — way late for us! We went to Anderson to the Golden Corral for lunch which as always was very good! While we were there, I indulged in some people watching. It can be a lot of fun.

Anyway, this couple came in and sat at a table close to ours. They were a bit older than Ken and I; probably in their late 60’s or early 70’s. The lady was dressed in this dress that I had never seen the likes of before. It was quite pretty but not something I would expect to see on a lady of her age. It was like a dress you would have seen in the ’30’s  — very floaty and feminine. It had a strapless bodice that she wore a lace shrug over and the skirt was two tiered and swirled with each step. It wasn’t all that full, just one of those skirts that has an extra panel in it to make it flare out at the knees. She wore a black beret tilted at a rakish angle over one eye. Anyway, as we were leaving, I leaned down and told her how pretty her dress was — that she looked like she was ready to Tango. She threw her head back, flung her hands up in the air, and laughed and said “YES! Bring on the music!”

She was still smiling as we walked out the door.

It felt really nice to make someone smile like that.

I hope your Sunday had smiles in it.

Love to all,


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