Apr 11 2009

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Dose 04/11/2009

Posted at 12:48 pm under Daily Notes

Today is the last day of the Whippet Nationals. We’ve sure seen some gorgeous dogs! And we’ve seen some inspirational dogs.

There is Zoey the whippet who was poisoned at a show and suffered nerve damage. Despite having to have a hind leg amputated and the other hind leg not working correctly, Zoe’s owners have purchased a canine wheelchair for her so she can still get around. Her spirits undaunted, this plucky girl greets everyone with a smile and a tail wag.

And then there is Grandma the 19 year old who gets carried everywhere by her owner and falls asleep at the drop of a hat, but hey! She’s 19!

The rainbow bridge table was simply awesome. So many lovely dogs and lovely people remembered and honored.

Ken and Tigger didn’t make the cut, so we came on home. The weather was bad last night and we were worried about the dogs left here. They are all fine, but were glad to see us home. Sabrina appears to have grown quite a bit while we were gone.

Ken seems to have caught a cold or is having an allergic reaction to something blooming because he’s all stuffed up and sneezing. I’ve given him some Dayquil and put him to bed.

Guess I should go see if he needs anything else.

Love to all,


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