Mar 31 2009

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Dose 03/31/2009

Posted at 12:08 pm under Daily Notes

Last day of the month and I’m working from home. Changed the header on the blog — it was past time for the fall leaves to go. Hope you like the pretty purple flower.

Trying to get the last of the laundry done so I can get clean sheets and towels in the camper for this weekend. I had already cleaned the bathroom and vacuumed. Need to mop the kitchen floor, though. Not much going on at work.

Charlotte called last night and told me that a friend of hers (and an acquaintance of ours) passed away yesterday. He was only 54 years old. He and his wife both smoke like crazy and he had a stroke. Roger was a nice guy, though and I’m sorry for Lynne that he died.

That’s about all there is new in my world.

Love to all,


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