Mar 11 2009

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Dose 03/11/2009

Posted at 2:47 pm under Daily Notes

Got things ready to enter Charlotte and Columbia yesterday. Ken’s showing Nikki both days in Charlotte and Tigger on Saturday and I’m showing Payne both days in Charlotte. He’s showing Nikki both days of Columbia and I’m showing Payne both days and Max on Sunday only. That will be his first show since he broke his leg.

The leg itself is straight and he moves fine, but you can feel where it was broken when you run your hands down it. Maybe with time it will smooth out some, but it’s on the “off side”, so isn’t obvious as he’s gaiting.

I’m pretty sure we’ll be going to Waccamaw. We just really like that show site and I did find out that a friend of ours is going as well, so we won’t be the only one with Whippets entered.

The weatherman says it’s going to turn off cold for the weekend. Not good. I have enjoyed this week of sun and mild temperatures.

Ken joined the gym yesterday. He also stopped this morning on his way to work to walk in the treadmill for a bit. I’ll stop on my way home.

Sabrina got a clean bill of health from the vet. She also got a shot and dewormed. She did really well with the new people, sights and sounds. She’s so smart!

That’s about all there is from our house.

Love to all,


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