Feb 18 2009

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Dose 02/18/2009

Posted at 8:33 am under Daily Notes

Woke up to rain this morning — the weather forecast says drizzle, but it was doing a bit more than that on the drive in. Not much more but definitely more than just a drizzle. Dogs aren’t happy about it as they all pretty much hate water much like cats, but there was no real reason to leave them crated for the day.

Tomorrow I leave on my trip and I am still pretty excited over it. I have my casual clothes packed and a pretty good idea of the show outfits I’m going to take with me. I originally thought I would take the 3 suits, but think I’ll opt for a slacks outfit instead for one of the days as it’s outdoors and I haven’t checked to see what the weather will be on that day in Valdosta. If it’s raining, there’s no point in wearing panty hose and a nice suit.

Ken wants me to cut his hair this afternoon when I get home from work, so guess I will forego the gym so I can get home to do that. It’s the least I can do after he plotted and printed the mapquest directions from site-to-site for every stop on the trip. I also want to do a last load of laundry. While I did some laundry yesterday and changed the sheets on the bed as well, I want to make sure there’s a little as possible to do when I get back. There’s some other miscellaneous cleaning that needs to be done, too. We never get through cleaning, do we?

I don’t have plans to leave at the crack of dawn or anything, but want to have plenty of time to make sure I have everything I’ll need for the trip, get the dogs bathed and birds settled. I have little slips of paper everywhere with lists on them of things to take. 😆 You would think I had never gone to a dog show by myself…well I have never planned to be gone on one for nearly a week before anyway.

I’ve neglected eyespi20 these past few days — for one thing I haven’t had a burning topic to write about and for another, I’ve had both a poem and a short story percolating in my head and it’s hard to disengage my brain when it’s working on something creative like that to focus on more mundane things. Maybe during the down time between shows I’ll find time to put to paper (or screen) what is coming to gel in the left side of my brain 😛

I’ve also neglected Travelin’ Show as I haven’t uploaded any new photos all week. I’ve TAKEN photos, just haven’t edited them and put them on the blog. Bad me. 🙁

I got a book in the mail yesterday that has me excited. No, it’s not a new mystery or anything any of y’all would be remotely interested in — it’s The Data Warehouse Lifecycle Toolkit by Ralph Kimball. I’m excited about it because I’ve been wanting to create a data warehouse for CFR and this book will help me accomplish that, but also because I got the book for $5.99….yes, you read that correctly — $5.99! It cost more than that to ship it (and I didn’t pay nearly what it cost the guy for shipping either! I feel kinda bad for him but he SHOULD have sent it media mail, not first class).

I bought it from half.com where I’ve bought other technical books from but this is by far the best deal yet. This is a $40 book brand new. While my book shows a tiny bit of wear, it’s plenty good enough for my needs and still has the CD in the back that was never taken out even once.

Rest assured though, that I will not be taking this book with me on my trip — I have 3 others that will accompany me that are MUCH lighter reading.

Well, I’ve nattered on long enough — I think you can tell how I feel about these next few days 😆

Love to all,


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