Aug 25 2006

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Notes 08-25-2006

Posted at 9:52 am under Uncategorized

Janet’s husband, Steve is doing great after his hip replacement surgery and he’s been moved to Roger C Peace for physical therapy. He’ll be there 5 days. He got to have his personal therapy dog visit him in the hospital (that would be Tara who passed her TDI exam a couple of months ago) and he’ll get more visits from her while he’s in RCP. Janet reports that the visit made a big difference in Steve’s outlook as there had been some problems with his bed not working properly and with the door to the bathroom being too small to admit the walker, so he was having to “hold it” and was stressed out over these issues.

I got photos from Barbara of Lucas lying on their bed and of him looking out their sliding glass door at the river behind their house. It looks like he’s really landed well this time and he’s proving to be a great dog for them.

I got Ashley’s angel collar from Suzel yesterday — it is adorable and the color looks great on him. I haven’t heard from Kaye yet on his official “gotcha” date, but I know she won’t let a day go by more than it takes for the workmen to clear out of her house and her to get it straightened up.

We go to Raleigh next weekend for 4 days of dog shows. The numbers look promising, so if we’re lucky, there’s a possibility that Butterfly could finish her championship at these shows. Keep your fingers crossed for us.

I rewrote the poem I dedicated to Wendy and will submit that to the writing contest.

Got to go—work calls.

Love to all,


2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Daily Notes 08-25-2006”

  1. Eddieon 28 Aug 2006 at 2:09 am 1

    Hope you’re having a good weekend in Raleigh! Just thought I’d check in and say Hi! I had a good weekend myself. Got a 2 hour massage on Thursday that left me feeling like a wet noodle. Then I went running Saturday afternoon to abuse myself. The Hash run this week was in my neighborhood and actually passed in front of my house. I managed about 15 minutes before the heat got to me and I had to start walking. Anyway, back to work.

    Take care.


  2. eyespi20on 05 Sep 2006 at 12:51 pm 2

    I envy you the massage! I need one real bad! Watch the heat and be sure to drink plenty of water! Don’t want you getting heat stroke!

