Jan 13 2009

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Dose 01/13/2009

Posted at 1:23 pm under Daily Notes

Ahhhhhh! The last load of dog laundry is officially DONE! Yeah!

I didn’t keep count, but it was getting close to double digits in number of loads. That’s SCARY!

I will definitely have to be much better about keeping that done than I have been these past couple of months. Of course it hasn’t helped that I’ve had the puppy with a broken leg crated for what seems like forever and then last week got in a Whippet rescue with the runs. Those are pretty much over now, but we had a fair amount of dirty bedding from those accidents.

Now I can get started on OUR laundry — of which there are only a couple of loads.

Of course there is still other chores to be done — sweeping, mopping and dishes, but getting the mountain of dog laundry done was a major check mark on the to-do list.

I’m working from home today which is why I’m able to get the mountain leveled. I have a conference call at 2 and then need to bug out to take the rescue dog to the vet for his checkup and shots. Thankfully I have an application for him that seems like it will be the perfect home and we’ll take him to Charleston with us weekend after next to do the home visit and if that goes well, leave him with his new family.

I have a big maintenance job to do this coming Saturday for work. I really get aggravated that my network guy leaves the service packs and hotfixes pile up like that dog laundry before he decides to get them on the system. It means more down time and time away from home — maybe that’s the draw for him, I don’t know. Anyway, I have to take the system down to install some new software, so he’s going to install those service packs and hot fixes at the same time. I hope it won’t be a long night…

Well, the dryer just went off, so it’s time to put in more laundry.

Love to all,


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