Dec 19 2008

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Dose 12/19/2008

Posted at 10:02 am under Daily Notes

Well, it’s just plain been a sucky week.

I had to put Lottie to sleep as you know on Tuesday and then Wednesday Janet called me from the emergency vet saying Whinney had fallen and hurt her elbow.

When they did the tests necessary to see if they could do surgery, they discovered that she was already in kidney failure (which may have caused her to fall in the first place) and that her heart was enlarged. They did discover they would not need to do surgery as the elbow wasn’t broken but the treatment for the elbow was steriods and for the kidney issue was fluids. The steriods would have placed a bigger burden on her already struggling kidneys and the fluids would have placed a burden on her heart, so Janet elected to not let her suffer and let her join Skinny, Bridget, Sebastian and Lottie at the bridge. I feel so badly for her as she is so concerned that she caused Whinney’s problems in some manner, but I know she had nothing to do with it at all.

I take Max back to the vets Saturday for a cast change and then have to drive to Camden to pick up Tigger who has spent the last 4 weeks in Raleigh with his breeder. They showed him in Winston-Salem where he won a 3 point major on Friday and have tried to introduce him to the excitement of lurecoursing, but he’s not convinced that chasing that bag around the field is more fun than just running around and rolling in horse manure.

Aurora is here through Christmas while her family travels to visit their family in various places. She and Nikki are having great fun playing and all are getting along well.

Sunday I HAVE to finish Christmas shopping.

I think our weather is going to turn cold, but the last couple of days have been so nice. Yesterday especially was beautiful and nearly 70 for a high. Sunny with just some of those high wispy clouds in a very blue sky. Too nice to be indoors, but that’s where I spent my day. So far today it’s foggy, but still warm.

I hope you all have a great weekend. Stay warm, dry and safe.

Love to all,


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