Dec 10 2008

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Dose 12/10/2008

Posted at 3:46 pm under Daily Notes

Poor Ken! He’s been having some issues with a tooth on his bottom jaw (the only one he has any teeth left in) being loose and causing him some discomfort. Well, it started hurting in earnest the other day and his jaw looked like he was trying to emulate a chipmunk with a cheek full of nuts on that side, so went to the dentist this morning. He was pretty sure he would lose that one tooth that was loose, but ended up loosing two teeth as the other one was broken, so that meant the dentist had to dig out the root from his gum.


He’s in a LOT of pain!


Silly man went back to work to tough it out the rest of the day….


Guess it’s soup for supper tonight….


I’ve been paying close attention to the weather today as it was VERY warm this morning and there have been a couple of sightings of tornadoes close to home. I had Judy bring in all the dogs as they panic when the weather gets bad like this. I sure hope it’s all passed by when I head home from work in a little bit.


Crazy day!

Hope yours was less dramatic.


Love to all,



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