Nov 18 2008

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Dose 11/18/2008

Posted at 10:20 am under Daily Notes

Working from home today and trying to get some housework done in between the programs running, etc.

It’s too cold to put the dogs out (or I’m just a sucker one), so I let them out in pairs to potty, then come back in to snuggle into their blankies in their crates for the day. They each have a bucket of water, so are quite comfy.

As always, there is one spoiler in the bunch.

Oscar decided to take a walk in the woods during his potty outing, so 45 minutes was spent trying to hunt him down. He ended up coming back on his own, but my day is disrupted now although since I started work at 4:30 am, the company is not out any of my time.

I’ve brewed myself a half pot of coffee and am settling down after chasing around the woods in my pajamas (yeah, I know — lazy!) for the dratted dog. If I didn’t love him so much I would have…  you KNOW better than that!

Well, now that you know how MY day is going, I sure hope yours is going more smoothly!

Gotta run — time to run the next script.


Love to all,



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