Oct 14 2008

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Dose 10/14/2008

Posted at 10:42 am under Daily Notes


Image by eyespi20 via Flickr

Hi everyone. Looks like a beautiful day is on tap for us although the temps are supposed to get up to mid 80’s. Still, not terribly bad.

I talked the vet into letting meΒ  bring Delilah home last night. I stayed in the exam room with her for nearly an hour and she would not eat. I told him I didn’t think she WOULD eat if I left her either and assured him that I was capable of handling things if her condition worsened. As soon as I got her home and offered her something to eat, she gobbled it up, so I was right (again). Now I just have to keep her quiet for a few days while her stitches heal. She’s in an ex-pen in the dining room right now, and for some reason Tigger is barking at her. Guess he can’t understand why she can’t come out and play. If he won’t quit, I may have to move her to the back room so she can get some peace.

I did a dumb thing this morning. I love cappuccino, but don’t have an esspresso machine. Thought I would just make some really strong coffee and add some dark hot chocolate mix to it to “fake it”. Well, I tried putting the hot chocolate mix in with the grounds but the coffee maker didn’t exactly like that, so stopped up on me. πŸ™ Everything is in the sink soaking now and I’ll run some white vinegar through it to get all the gunk cleaned out. I did get coffee out of it, but it wasn’t very good.

I finally sent off Nikki’s registration papers Saturday. After much hem-hawing around, we ended up naming her Ableaim Nikki’s Not Naughty (Much) . It so totally fits her! πŸ˜†

Well, work is once again beckoning.

Love to all,


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