Jun 26 2008

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Dose 06/26/2008

Posted at 8:39 pm under Daily Notes

Hi everyone — it’s nearly 10:00 pm, so you probably won’t read this until tomorrow. But that’s OK.

foggydawnI took my camera with me to work this week as I was determined to get some photos of the awesome dawn skies we’ve enjoyed this week. Of course one morning we had some fog, but it made for a cool photo.  Can you see how it’s laying in a layer right above the ground? And the colors in the sky are so pretty!


sunrise2 This morning we didn’t have any fog, but we did have a gorgeous sunrise! I was actually a bit surprised that the camera did so well with the sun being so bright. We actually got a bit of rain this afternoon as this morning sky promises with it’s rosy dawn colors. I know I have a long commute and complain about it from time to time, but it’s seeing things like this that make it all worth while.


I’m glad Colin, Becky and Sio got back to St. Louis OK today. I know they had a grand time and I can’t wait to see Colin’s photos. Hope he doesn’t take too long to get them up.

I talked to Kristi this afternoon and Chrystalyn’s ankle is doing really well. She has a brace to wear and exercises to do to strengthen it, but apparently she didn’t damage the growth plates. She has the official OK to go to Carowinds with Ken and he’s as excited as any 10 year old would be at the idea.

Well, I guess I should get in bed. Tomorrow is another long day and there is lots to get done.


Love to all,


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