Apr 28 2008

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Dose 04/28/2008

Posted at 9:19 am under Daily Notes

Good morning! Hope your morning is less dreary than ours! Rain and gloomy clouds is all we’re seeing, but the weather report says it will all be a memory tomorrow.


image Yesterday Ken and I spent a lazy Sunday just goofing off. We got up around 6:30 and piddled around the house until 9 or so, then went to breakfast. After breakfast we went over to Lowes so Ken could check out lawn tractors. Then we went to Home Depot to comparison shop. On the way home, he saw some guy mowing with one of the brands he’s interested in and stopped to ask him what he thought of the lawn tractor. Left with new doubts about his choice and decided to look up stuff on the internet. I think he’s decided against the Cub Cadet and is now back to his original choice of Husqvarna as a brand. It just remains to be seen if he gets one like the picture or one of those zero turning radius ones with the two handle thingys to steer by. I bought two hanging baskets of fuscias that are quite pretty!image I’ve hung them close to the hummingbird feeder and the one bird that’s coming to it so far was quite taken aback when he first approached the feeder judging by how he buzzed around rather excitedly. He got used to the new flowers pretty quickly, though and is back to lightning visits. He’s not settled enough with me yet to let me take photographs of him. He darts away anytime I reach for the camera. I’m sure he’ll become accustomed to my presence soon and then we’ll get some shots of him to share with you. I need to clean the window, though, or the shots will all be cloudy looking. He’s little, so is probably pretty young.


DSC01694The house finches that took up residence on the front porch have already hatched out a clutch of 3 eggs. They are super shy and don’t want me taking photos of them or their babies.  I’ve had some birds visiting lately that have black bodies and brown heads and sing the most beautiful and liquid song I think I’ve ever heard. To look at them, you wouldn’t think such beauty could come from that drab of a bird. I thought they were grackles, but when I google grackle, the images that come up aren’t the bird I’m seeing nor is the sound the same. I’ll have to keep looking  Any of you know what this is? — Oh now I’ve found them — they are brown-headed cowbirds. While they’re considered parasites because they lay their eggs in the nests of other birds often pushing out the chicks of the nurturing pair, they sure have a certain amount of appeal to them. The ones hanging around my house are certainly sleek and shiny.


Well, I guess I should get back to work. Take care everyone.


Love to all,



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