Apr 14 2008

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Dose 04/14/2008

Posted at 10:32 am under Daily Notes

I’ve been sadly lacking in posts lately and apologize to you all for that. I can’t say that I’ve been extremely busy as it’s been no more than normal. Friday was a bit of a frustrating day with one thing and another not going smoothly, but then without those days I can’t appreciate the really good ones — or at least that’s the theory.


Talked to Eddie yesterday — they are all doing fine. Got a phone call from Chrystalyn, although I didn’t actually get to talk to her as I was out running errands. Still have heard nothing from the Charleston contingent, but we’ll assume no news is good news.

Ken’s brother has been hospitalized with a stroke. I’m confused over the terminology though as he told Ken it wasn’t the same kind of stroke that affected their mother and he seems pretty clear with his speech. Anyway, they’re keeping him in for observation. If you can add someone to your prayer list, please add Edward. Thanks!

Ken worked all weekend. He sent me to Lowes to buy the things he needed for his project to make a level spot to park the camper — it sounds like a bigger project than it really was and I’ll have to take some photos of it to show you as I’m sure I can’t begin to describe it properly despite the simplicity of it. At any rate, the materials were 20-50lb bags of rock, 3 iron stakes and 3 landscape timbers. I had no trouble with the latter two items, but the 1000 lbs of rock were a challenge. I got a bit peeved with the Lowes sales guy as the rock is all the way in the back of the garden department and he saw me struggling to pull the cart up to the register, but waited until I was about 10′ away from the register before solicitously offering to pull it the rest of the way. To his credit, he did load everything into the truck without being asked.

Today, though, I’m horribly stiff and sore and if I’ve sat for longer than 10 minutes, it takes nearly that long to get my legs to work properly. I just hit the lady who keeps the first aid supplies for some Aleve and have taken some, so hopefully will feel a bit better soon.

Curves is having a promotion and I talked it over with Ken about joining it and stopping 2-3 days a week on my way home from work. If you’re not familiar with Curves, it’s a women-only exercise chain. He thinks it’s a good idea, so I’m going to stop on my way home and talk to them about it.

Well, I think that catches you up on what’s going on in our neck of the woods.


Love to all,



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