Mar 26 2008

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Dose 03/26/2008

Posted at 6:53 am under Daily Notes

Good morning everyone! I hope your Wednesday is as pretty as mine is going to be! Yesterday was chilly and overcast, but today promises to be clear and warm. My Irises have not yet shown their faces, but with a day like today, I’m sure they will open up.


I hope Frances has started to enjoy her retirement. Monday was her last day at work, so yesterday was a day for being lazy. Today’s the day you get on the stick and find something to do that will make your days interesting!


Ken told me last night that he’s probably going to work all weekend. I just hope he doesn’t get into that mold too tightly. He was pretty close to total exhaustion when we went on vacation. I know we didn’t get a lot of rest while we were gone, but at least he was doing something other than work. I know I’m more mentally fit than I was before last week.


When we left for Las Vegas last Sunday, we spent the night in Charlotte and met Ken’s brother, Edward and his wife Marilyn for dinner. They brought a photo album and some items that Edward said their mother wanted Ken to have. One of the photos in the album was of Ken as a 6 or 7 year old with a little girl of the same age.


It turns out this girl in the photo is someone who found Ken online a few months ago and he and Verna have been corresponding ever since. It’s really cool to find someone from your past like that! I scanned the photo for Ken and he sent it to her. She was so tickled to have that reminder of a simpler time.


My project this weekend will be to scan the rest of the photos into the computer and do some kind of organizing of them. I want to be able to print some of them out or save them to a flash drive to put in one of those memory frames to give the kids for Christmas this year (well, John and Chris at any rate). I also ordered our vow renewal photos yesterday and will include those in the planned gift.  We’re supposed to meet Edward and Marilyn when we go back to Charlotte on the 4th, so I need to get those photos scanned before then so we can return them to Edward. I think the kids will get a kick out of having copies of those pictures. Seeing their dad as a baby and little boy will give them a sense of their family history.


Well, I suppose I need to stop this rambling and get something productive done. Earn my pay and all that.


Love to all,



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