Mar 13 2008

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Dose 03/13/2008

Posted at 7:32 am under Daily Notes

This may fall under the TMI heading (too much information).

200I had a dentist appointment yesterday afternoon. While in and of itself, that’s nothing unusual, they’ve been threatening to send me to a periodontist because of the horrible plaque buildup I’ve been experiencing lately. Well, I found a toothbrush that has made a significant difference in the plaque so have averted the periodontist for now.  It’s all thanks to the Colgate Motion battery powered whitening toothbrush. The first time I used it, I could already feel the difference in how smooth my teeth felt. I never would have thought a toothbrush alone could make that much difference in the plaque build up on your teeth.


While I was strapped in the dentists chair, they thoughtfully had Oprah on for my viewing pleasure. I’m telling you, she has some of the dumbest people on her show. Yesterday’s show was a makeover show. She had these 3 fashion consultants who worked with all these women to update their wardrobes. While the women’s wardrobes were in definite need of updating, these so-called (and probably self-proclaimed) fashion consultants just made most of them look really stupid. And I can’t believe Oprah allowed these fashion consultants to degrade these women the way they did! One of them said "And so-and-so only had ONE bra in her wardrobe and that was a sports bra!" Then she went on to say "so we got her fitted in a new bra and now her "girls" really stand up!" — whaaaatt??? GIRLS ??? Excuse me, but they are my BREASTS. To top it off, she then had the lady (who looked ready to crawl under the floor in embarrassment) turn around so she could show the audience her "booty". And Oprah is echoing these terms! How humiliating for the women on display! I’m quite sure they never would have bought into this make over if they had known they were going to be paraded in front of the masses and have their body parts referred to in such degrading manner. I sure hope their new wardrobes (there was only one outfit out of all of the ones shown that I even remotely liked) was worth the humiliation.


Well, I’ve made it to Thursday without having a nervous breakdown. It remains to be seen if I can hold out until Sunday when we leave for Las Vegas. I’m still terrified I’ll forget something really important. Like my camera or something. My list of stuff to pack seems unending and I’m wondering if I can get everything into the suitcases. I’m further wondering if it will all pass airport security. Surely other people travel with cameras and laptops, batteries and shampoo a tripod and several pairs of shoes.  I feel the hairs on my head turning gray. I need a valium…


I suppose what I need to do this minute is get back to my JOB before I’m fired.


Love to all,



One response so far

One Response to “Daily Dose 03/13/2008”

  1. Eddieon 13 Mar 2008 at 9:16 am 1

    Mom – If I can get through airport security with all of the knives, holsters, and military paraphenalia I travel with at times, you should have no problems. The key is to be careful what you put in your CARRY-ON luggage. You can put anything on your list in checked luggage. I wouldn’t put my laptop in there, but you could. Now for your carry-on, be sure that laptop is easy to get at because they WILL make you put it in a seperate bin for x-ray. Cameras aren’t an issue. Some other tips for both of you:
    – put your keys, cell phones, etc in your carry-on or jacket pockets (you will have to take off the jacket for x-ray
    – no heavy jewelry/belt buckles for the metal detector to beep at
    – wear easy to take off shoes for the flight. There used to be some airports that didn’t make you take shoes off, but all of the ones I’ve gone through in the past year have required it. Even sandals :-\

    Now take a couple of deep breaths and relax. You’re going to have a great trip!