Mar 03 2008

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Dose 03/03/2008

Posted at 11:24 am under Daily Notes

Good morning and a Happy Monday to you! I hope you had beautiful weather this weekend — we did! Unfortunately, I didn’t get to spend much time out in it since work called me at 8:00 am Saturday morning with problems to solve. I still have one issue that I never did get resolved, which reminds me I need to try again to get that one call fixed.


My lady came over Saturday and my house was a disaster. Thanks to the above mentioned call from my boss, I wasn’t able to vacuum or mop before she got there, so she got to see it in all it’s dusty glory. She liked Maggie and Maggie seemed to like her, so we will proceed with the next step which is to take Maggie over to her house to see how she and Hannah (the lady’s 15 year old Whippet) get along.smile_speedy


I did manage to get the house vacuumed, dishes done and laundry done by Sunday. Poor Ken worked the whole weekend, so by the time he got home Sunday afternoon, he was exhausted. Then to further ruin his weekend, his guy got wrecked 3 laps from the end of the race and he was in the lead when that happened. What a bummer. However, I am not allowed to mention Jeff Gordon’s name in Ken’s presence for the rest of the week smile_yawn since that’s who caused the wreck. Oh well, it gave Junior a much needed win which I’m sure made Frances happy.


Guess I should get my butt back to work since my day is loaded up.


I have the happy task of updating some security and since it’s not part of advanced security, it gets to be done one person at a time. I think I have about 30 to adjust — fun! smile_confused


Love to all,


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