Feb 21 2008

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Dose 02/21/2008

Posted at 8:53 am under Daily Notes

Sorry I missed posting yesterday. I meant to write something last night, but just never found time to get to it, so you get me this morning, writing while one of my reports runs.

We’ve been trying to uncover the mystery of why my email crapped out over the weekend. I had no jobs get paged out to techs and the Clarify engine that reads the emails was just whirling around like a top but not going anywhere.

I’ve also been talking to our 3rd party vendor about installing a service pack. The consultant is trying to make it a bigger deal than I think it is. He wants me to have several database backups (why?) as well as a back up of the operating system (again, why?). I have to do some research on all this as it seems way too paranoid even for him.

Ken’s working Saturday, but not Sunday – he says he’s told his boss that he needs to have Sundays off as he needs some rest. I agree! Now if I can just convince him to do just that — at least for a few Sundays, maybe he’ll actually GET some rest!

Well, my job is finished, so I’ve got to run.

Love to all,


2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Daily Dose 02/21/2008”

  1. Franceson 22 Feb 2008 at 1:40 pm 1

    I bet Ken really wants Sundays off to watch the races — I would.

  2. Margareton 22 Feb 2008 at 2:29 pm 2

    Yes, you are EXACTLY right! He does and will watch those dumb races. He’s already way behind in the pool and we’re only one race into the first half of the season. Not a good start!
