Feb 07 2008

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Notes 02/07/2008

Posted at 5:49 am under Daily Notes

Gosh! Did I miss yesterday?? Well, it was a busy one. I had to make two videos for two different blogging assignments and was up too late last night completing the second one.

Evening skyWhile I was cleaning kennels last night, I noticed the evening sky had some cool cloud formations and the sunset had tinted them this funky shade of vermillion. Thought I would share a couple of those photos with you.  In this first one, you can see two layers of clouds. The lower ones are dark and hanging down like dirty, shredded cotton while the high ones are reflecting the sun’s light. What is it they say about red skies? These aren’t exactly red, but I’m sure the same principle applies.

Ken hasn’t seen these yet. Between trying to finalize taxes and getting those two videos reviewed and loaded, I didn’t have a chance to show them to him. He’ll read the blog later, though and see them. 

Evening CloudsIn the second one, I was intrigued by the streak of vermillion that almost looks like a lightning bolt, but is just clouds. As far as I know, we didn’t get any rain last night, but I haven’t been outside yet. We were supposed to have a cold front roll in and these clouds are no doubt the precursor to that front. I don’t know why I think these are really cool, but I do. They aren’t particuarly dramatic, just a neat contrast of colors and textures.

Well, I need to get ready for work and leave. Actually, I should have done that 30 minutes ago and I still have to put dogs out, too. Guess I’m going to be late… oh well, another lunch down the drain.

Love to all,


One response so far

One Response to “Daily Notes 02/07/2008”

  1. John Heffernanon 08 Feb 2008 at 10:44 am 1

    Cool photos!
