Jan 31 2008

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Notes 01/31/2008

Posted at 5:38 am under Daily Notes

Last day of the month and it’s FREEZING right now. I hate having to put the dogs out when it’s this cold, but I have to go to work and leaving them crated all day when it’s supposed to get up into the 60’s just seems too restrictive. I must console myself with the knowledge that it will get warmer once the sun comes up.

I’m ready for spring, but know we have 6 more weeks of winter no matter what the groundhog says.

I did not have lunch with Lee yesterday. Sandra’s daughter chose yesterday to have her baby, so Sandra was out with her and Lee and I decided to wait for her to get back to work to meet so we could all enjoy a celebratory lunch.  Sandra has been so excited about this baby! I can’t wait to hear all about it.

I’m still working out the script in my head of the golf commercial we are to film this weekend. I’m trying to find knickers and a tam :p — after all, the costuming should be appropriate, don’t you think?

Have a great day! I’m off to send dogs out into the cold.

Love to all,


One response so far

One Response to “Daily Notes 01/31/2008”

  1. Eddieon 31 Jan 2008 at 11:06 am 1

    Well, at least you’re going to hit the 60’s today. Forty-one if we’re lucky here. With freezing rain tonight. Yay!

    Sounds like you’re enjoying your video camera with all these commercials. Is there some kind of contest for the golf club? I must have missed the backstory there.

    Randy had his check up on Monday – everything is well. He’s such a trooper. Didn’t cry when they gave him his immunization shot. Even took the flu vaccine nose mist like it was no big deal. By the time we got him in for his blood work though, he was tired and hungry. He cooperated very well though. He did cry for that one, but didn’t fight the tech holding his arm still. I guess he’s seen Mom and Dad do it often enough.

    We’re still worried about his speech development so we’ve got consults in for that as well a neuro consult to see if he’s got the same issue I have.

    We’ll keep you posted.

