Jan 09 2008

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Notes 01/09/2008

Posted at 8:40 am under Daily Notes

Hump Day! It’s Wednesday, so only two more days until a weekend. Nothing planned for this weekend other than a bored board meeting for the Greenville Kennel Club. Our Vice President has resigned and I’m sure the President wants to appoint someone to take her place. She resigned over a policy passed by the board to limit the Show Chair, Judge’s Selection Committee chair and President from showing a dog they own or co-own during the 3 days of our circuit. Well, I don’t remember her voicing any objection to that policy that was voted on during a board meeting she attended. She seems to feel that the policy was aimed at one particular person (and it was brought up because of the actions of one particular person, but since it applies to more people than just her, it’s not aimed specifically at HER, just trying to circumvent the same events from happening again), but as noted before, she made no such objections at the meeting in which the policy was voted in by the board.

The joys of politics!

Woke up this morning to cloudy skies and rain forecast for the next couple of days. We do need more rain as we are still trying to recover from the drought last year. It’s supposed to rain for the next couple of days.

Well, I’m up to 250 pages in my book — think I’ll get all 1200 pages read in 6 more weeks? I’m finally to the section I think will be very interesting and very relevant to my day-to-day job — that may speed up or it may slow down my reading of the book. At any rate, I’m beginning to get a feel for the book and it’s authors. It’s apparent that each one had some input on each section; perhaps each has an area of expertise, but I can see subtle differences in writing styles from chapter to chapter. I’m somewhat gratified to find out that many of the things I’ve been doing all along are in sync with this book’s recommendations — seems I had good teachers and mentors along the way. Some of what I’ve read in the book has held me in good stead with, for example yesterday’s meeting, making recommendations and decisions regarding applications that will be accessing the database going forwards. The developer wanted to put his application on the server that houses the database itself and I recommended we not do that and had solid, reasonable and realistic reasons why we should not. My boss gave me one startled look when I cited my reasons and quickly acquiesced to my recommendations. I was pretty pleased with myself over that as he usually goes along with the vendor’s wishes. In this case, the developer just wanted the application on that server to make it easier for himself and not because it had any importance to his application. Having it on another server also gives me one more level of security and since this is a web application that we are going to put on the public web, it’s paramount that security is pretty high from the starting gate. I don’t need my database exposed like that.

Well, I’m sure I’ve bored you enough for one day.

Love to all,


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