Jan 04 2008

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Notes 01/04/2008

Posted at 9:24 am under Daily Notes

TGIF everyone! I’m glad to see Friday roll around again. I’m so sleepy!

Last night was a rough night for me. Bridget kept fussing from about 12:30 am until about 1:20 am and I was up and down with her. I tried everything I could think of to satisfy her from taking her out (multiple times) to offering water to offering food. The final trick was to reposition her on her bed. Evidently she can only lay on the one side for so long before it hurts too much and she needs to be on the other side where she can apprently lay pretty much indefinitely. So now I know to try 4 things to make her comfortable and happy. Maybe I’ll get some sleep tonight!

I was horrified when I arrived home last night. When I pulled into the driveway, I could hear the most pitiful cries coming from the backyard. Evidently Skinny Marie had gone outside to either use the bathroom or sun herself and either got knocked down by one of the other dogs or just fell (her balance is not very good these days). At any rate, it was pretty obvious that she had struggled for some time trying to right herself. She had literally dug a hole scrabbling with her feet trying to get purchase to get back up on her feet. She was filthy dirty and freezing cold (it was 31° when I got home!). I took her inside and got her settled in her bed with a blanket over her. She refused water, so I started taking all the other dogs outside as they had been crated all day. Once I got them all settled, I made their dinner and by then she was warm and ready to eat. She ate two big bowls full of food and finally drank a bit of water.

Today I’ve left her in an x-pen with a comfy bed, bucket of water and newspaper to potty on. She’s not too sure of this arrangement, but at least she’s safe from a repeat of yesterday — it was 17­° this morning and I don’t think she could survive being out in that cold for too long!  She’ll be going to the vets tomorrow to have her issues checked out.

In all the hubbub of this morning, though, I realize that I’ve forgotten to give them their meds. Argh! Always something!

Well, I guess I should actually do some work today — see if I can do something productive.

Love to all,


One response so far

One Response to “Daily Notes 01/04/2008”

  1. Eddieon 04 Jan 2008 at 8:23 pm 1

    I like the new look for the blog!

    Things have been freezing here too. Yvonne’s still loving her job even with the weather. The folks she’s training with are awesome and they all get along despite the fact Yvonne’s the only Southerner (and white) in the group. One of the guys is a former pro-football player and is the most humble guy she’s ever met despite being 6’9″ and 300+lbs.

    I saw your entry a day or two ago about taxes. Have you heard of the Fair Tax? The website is http://www.fairtax.org and I have a book on it by Neal Boortz. If you’re interested let me know and I’ll mail it to you.
