Jul 05 2006

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Notes 7-5-06

Posted at 1:09 pm under Uncategorized

Tried to post Monday, but the system ate my post. Bummer.

Started the big painting project. Have mixed results to post. Ken purchased this cool paint sprayer to do the outside painting with, but we started with the ceilings inside. He used the paint sprayer on the ceilings.

MAN! What a mess! Thank goodness we were using latex as cleaning up afterwards is not as difficult as it would be after oil-based! (small silver lining). We will put the actual paint on with a roller (Ken has decided).  We also elected to delay putting the paint on until next weekend as we are both whipped from the up-and-down the ladder from both taping, painting and cleanup (which is still not complete).

The ceiling DOES look MUCH better, though and it has made the whole room appear brighter and cleaner.  Only 5 rooms to go 😛

Mom complained that I don’t have enough pictures to look at. I will try to rectify that — lord knows I have plenty of pictures and space. My issue is preparing the photos for the web. I’m very concious that she’s on dial-up and file-sizes are a real issue for her. I want to optimize those pictures and size them. I know PSP has a batch process, but I have not used that too much, so tend to size and compress them one by one — very slow. Maybe Colin has some tips for me. — What do you say, Nephew?

All for now!

Love to all,


4 responses so far

4 Responses to “Daily Notes 7-5-06”

  1. Nephewon 06 Jul 2006 at 6:30 am 1

    Assuming you are shooting JPG (or really, anything other than RAW), there is a wonderful tool called JAlbum, which is what I use to generate my photo pages.

    You can get it at jalbum.net. There are loads of skins that can make your work look the way you want it to. It’s java code, and its free.

    With it, you can set the size of the thumbnails, the quality of the enlarged images, and the number per page — all of which will help with Grandma’s dialup connection.

    Check it out, and let me know if it looks like it’ll do what you want.


  2. eyespi20on 06 Jul 2006 at 3:42 pm 2

    Thanks for the tip, Colin and I’ll check that out.

    I am NOT impressed with Copperline, that’s for sure!


  3. Eddieon 07 Jul 2006 at 3:55 am 3

    Took a peek at the JAlbum pages with Randy on them. They look great and it must be easy. There’s eight pages of them already. It’s nice to sneak a peak at my boy from work! Thanks Mom!

    Things here in Bahrain are nice. It’s not nearly as bad as your Google search had you thinking. But it definitely HOT! The sun comes up at about 4:30 local and pounds on you until about 8:00 when it disappears.

    I’m still in a hotel, but hopefully I should be moving into a villa on Sunday. Security has to check it out before I can move. So, rest assured. I’m in good hands over here.



  4. Colinon 08 Jul 2006 at 4:28 am 4

    Coppermine has its place, but it’s nowhere near as easy (to me, anyway) as JAlbum to set up and feed. There are some things Coppermine does better — user comments and searches, for example — but I think the ease of JAlbum makes it the winner for me. I’ve been using it for several years now, and absolutely love it!