Dec 02 2007

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Notes 12/2/2007

Posted at 9:06 pm under Uncategorized

Well, we made it to Charleston in time to see the ballet. Oh! It was WONDERFUL! The Russian dancers were just phenomenal  and the kids were great — one or two mix-ups, but all-in-all a nice job by all.

No photos, unfortunately. They didn’t allow cameras and Bebe was out of costume by the time I got to see her off stage. We are supposed to get a DVD of the performance, so I’ll see if I can lift some images off that.

We ended up taking the truck to Charleston. It seems that the motor must have 500 miles on it before you tow anything, and that seemed to be the best way to break it in. It rode well, was very quiet and got 16.4 mpg. We’ll see what mileage it gets pulling the trailer.

I hope you had a nice weekend. While ours was busy, as you can see, we had a good time. The only thing to mar it was Gina’s call Saturday afternoon to tell us that she had Chris taken to the hospital the night before because he couldn’t breathe. He has pneumonia and is still in the hospital tonight. They had to give him steriods and breathing treatments every 4-6 hours and of course he was on oxygen. We talked to him this afternoon and although he sounds bad, he says he’s feeling better. He also says he expects to be in one more day. Let’s hope he gets better soon.

Well, that’s all my news.

Love to all,


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