Nov 19 2007

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Notes 11/19/2007

Posted at 9:15 am under Uncategorized

Good morning and Happy Monday!

Got back from Concord around 1:30 pm yesterday and immediately started cleaning kennels, pens and so forth. Ken pulled in about an hour later with the camper and by then I was pretty much done. I fed the dogs (they enjoyed an early dinner), went to the Mexican restaurant for our dinner and we ate and went to bed early as we were both tired.

Did nothing at the dog show worth mentioning. I slept a lot so that was nice getting all that rest. Read several books since I couldn’t get the tv to work properly. It was chilly in the morning, but by afternoon was nice. Tigger and Butterfly played in the camper quite a bit. I did finally find some food that Tigger would eat although it’s a bit smelly since it has fish in it. That’s probably what attracts him, though. Fought ladybugs all weekend long. The warmer temps have encouraged them to hatch out. While they don’t hurt anything, they are pesky to have flying around everywhere.

One of the books I read this weekend was one Mom got from the library sale. It was titled “The President’s Plane is Missing” and while it was a good enough read, what was most interesting were the notes someone had written in the margins. The author was trying to write a futuristic rendition of a scenario around China’s one-time threat to the US and Russia with nuclear weapons tied in with a crash of Air Force One. He had made up a president and vice president and the last real ones mentioned were JFK and Truman. His estimates of spending on military, satellites and so forth were way off (super under) and the unknown critic had pencilled in corrections to those figures along with some other commentary on other facts presented in the book. I had to laugh every time I saw one as the first thing that came to mind was “Eddie would do this. I wonder if he ever checked this book out?” — which of course he hadn’t. I may send it to him though as the figures need updating and I’m sure he has them at his fingertips 😛

We’re heading to Ohio Friday to see Chris, Gina and the kids. Our plans are to take the kids shopping for winter clothes Saturday and we’ll head back home later that afternoon. I’ll let you all know how things come out.

Well, there’s lots to catch up on so I had best go.

Take care!

Love to all,


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